About Me.

I'm a growing software developer in the early stage of my career, who wants to help create technologies that can all make our lives easier, as well as tell unique stories with the tech that we use each day. I also love writing stories! Currently working on Something involving Typescript and React! ✈️

Contact Me!

You can send me an email here.

Job Opportunities

I'm looking for a job currently. If you see me as a good fit, check out my resume and I'd love to work for you.

Social Links

My first experience with programming was a C# book my dad tried to make me read when I was 13. I didn't understand anything and it only made me frustrated so he let me stop, but not before begrudingly telling me it was "meant for beginners."

The next time would be in my freshmen year of college, where I barely passed my Intro to CS class and failed the next one in the series. I wouldn't touch programming again until 3 months before I graduated, where I decided on a whim (and because of COVID) to take a fairly intensive online Java course which I managed to complete in 2 months.

Now after a stint at a bootcamp, I'm balancing job applications, learning/improving my technical skills, and writing. I hope to be able to continue to grow my career and build projects that are both interesting and challenging, as well as continue to tell stories through my writing!

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